Hiii guys! facebookers, bloggers, vloggers and whatevers!
Today i feel so happy ouhhh.
happy happy and happy.
relieved nervous suspends and everything blended in myself into one strange feeling.
Ouhh, is this what we call LOVE?
hahaha. no no no, i'm just kidding yaaww!
Wanna know why i'm so happy???
HAHAHA, yeyaya, jap lah nk habaq mai nihh.
Today, my gang and i went to the Dinotrek that was being held at JUSCO PERDA, P.PINANG last morning. 3Nov.
This activity are those fer who had been sitting fer PMR last month.
Fer example, ME! haha
So, only the chosen one only have to go lahh. Aku seriously mls nk pegi then kne desak2 aku pon pegi dgn hati yg separuh rela..
So, This is our first picture in Ckg Roslina's car. Kiteorg mmg dh byase brkelakuan buruks begini. We're sibilings and yg penting they're from the D.I.C club =)
Okayyy, FYI guys, i'm the only girl in this group. And dlm byk2 skulah kat Penang, only SMK SAUJANA INDAH, our school ada wakil sorang girl in their group. Coz other schools they brought two girls and one boy, all girls or all boys. But we're in the different way. unique skit. tapi agak best coz ak dpt layanan VVIP dari gang aku. HAHA. well, i'm the girl , mstilah diorg nk tnjuk gentleman. HAHAHAHA
Look! look ! click2 aku macho tak? HAHA. tak kan? sume mke budak budak. tu yg best tuh. Sekutu dgn aku. =)
Okayy , in the car we listened to the music, read books (nama pon sains Dinotrek) , we slept! Dlm keadaan yg sempit2 tuh. isk . Habes oxygen diorg hirup sume. That's the worst part. Isk isk , yg plg xbest tuh leh plak diorg2 nih buli aku dok tgh2, susah aku nk tido. Huuu~
Then , we reached Jusco Perda around 950 and masok Dinotrek tuh around 10 o'clock.
As we entered the Dinotrek i'm DAMN suprised. Aku igtkan nk wat kuiz dowh. Kami ni yg bendul bin bahlul pegy baca buka sains form1-form3
HAHAHA. tgk2 diorg suh wat model tau takk? lagi la haru. if i knw this earlier , awal2 aku pegi google nk wat model stereotaip cane. Haiyaaa. Before that aku yg plg ketaqq . U know why?
bcoz we'll be competing with 30 schools in pulau pinang. Schools from sberang prai slatan , tengah and also utara.
PfffftttWTH? Apesal byk sgt skulah yg masok bertanding nih?? Abes ar, kami xde harapan nk mng dah. Aku awal2 dah surrender. Mane taknyaa, tgk skula convent nya, dgn asrama pnuh nya, skulah sukannya, skula semi-asrama. Mstilah diorg ni hebat2 kan?
muka pon aku tgk confident jeh. Aku plak nk terkucil2. HAHAHA. yg Hazwan and Naim tuh kan. Diorang dok suh aku relax2 , last2 , masa nk lawan tuh , diorg yg ketaqq. HUAHUAHUA.
Isk isk isk, ni binatang peliharaan sape plak nih diorg mnjaja? HAHA. Hey2, who's pet is this?
Okay , model ni smart jgak lah . kan? Hm.....
Xcantik. HAHA. I mean. the colour is dull lahh.
Wahhh. pe tuu pe tuuu? HAHAHA. Aku sbenanye wat2 bace jeh. Boringgg dowh.
I dun knw what is this thing called. Tapi aku xske dy ni coz it looks slightly like the ATOK of iguana or some kind of lizard species. REPTILIA. but guys, FYI, most of the dinasours were herbivors. =.='
Haaaaaaaa, i adore this dinasour soooo muchh!
u wanna knw why? Korang npk tak those eggs?
comel tau takk? Lg2 when those cuties dinasours made their cuties sound.
Auuuwww , adorable = ')
Okayy then , nowww, those on the LCD screen were given to us just now. mencabar tak mencabar takk?
Frankly typing, i don't expect that we'll have to make a dinasour model that can fly and catch fish!!!
Erghhhh, tension pala hotak gua!
But, dlm tension2 kami, Naim sempat snapped our picture without me noticing. Grrrr.
gemok betol lah pipi aku. huhu =.='
Okayy , tu sume probes yg telah diberikan. And we totally pissed off on how to make those flying objects!
So, muka kami blur2 . HAHA =)
Well, just imagine, we must think about less than an hour without any preparation to do that flying object!!!
Okayy , ni ckgu comel kami, Ckg Ayu yg snap picture ni. Candidly. Ouhh. mke aku mmg mke tension! HAHAHA.
MasyaAllah! Ramainya manusia seusia kami. Haa ramai tak ramai tak ? Huhu~
Mmg lah, 30 schools, mmg lah ramai, mcm semut mengutip gula2 dah aku tgk!
Te hee
Ta daaaaaaaaa~
Our Bobby dah siap. Uhhh, Who's Bobby?
Haa, Bobby is the named of the flying dragon that we're holding. The named were given spontaniously without thinking by Hazwan, the boy in the red t-shirt.
Haaaa, korang dpt npk kan more closely and clearly without any resistance! HAHAHA. mrepek2.
So, what's yr opinion about our model? I knw, ugly kan? very simple kan?
But those comments don't bothered us at all. =D
Okayy , ape yg aku buat nih?HAHA . the game was like this.
diorg akan jarakkan kita 5metres tau to fly our model.
so, each kotak2 tuh represents mark and in those kotak2 got fishes tipu2 lah.
so, we must stick the fishes dlm apa cara sekalipun menggunakan kepandaian dan kekreatifan otak ye.
Anyway, i managed to get a bonus mark and 20 marks fer my group. Hazwan managed to get 40marks ouhh. But Naim? huhu, he gave us 0marks. Teloqq ayam tau! =.=' But its okay, he's nervous, we understood.
And Finally, ta daaaaaa , Ini lah hasilnya setelah 2jam ke 3jam kami merembeskan peluh2 kami. HAHA.
We won yaww! Champion dohh. hee~ Alhamdulillah, praised to Allah. Ni sume Allah yg tlg klau tak mmg susah nk dpt idea. Huuu~ Thanks Allah, I hope Allah tgk blog aku. huhu. ape aku mrapu nih? Dia MAHA melihat okay! =)
R u proud of us SMK SAUJANA INDAH? haha, actually , we never ever expect to win or will win, so do our teachers. Sbb , tgk lah, we're just skula kampung harian. How come nk mng?
We're competing with other 30 highly potential schools.
So, guys out there, it is not possible fer us to grap victory and make our life sucessful from where we come from. From what background do we come from? That is not the main reason fer us to be successful!
Weee~ Aku overexcited, tui yg bebel byk sgt nih =) (sorry)
Yahhh, this is our Bobby,the lucky flying jet that we loved so much! HAHA. That boy in the blue t-shirt is Naim.
HAHA. What kind of gimik r u making bro?
Uhhhh, that's the face of happiness =)
p/s : 3Nov is the most meaningful day fer me and of coz fer my gang too. Weyhh wan and naim, thanks fer yr cooperation! It works! I love them as they are my best friends that you can hardly find in this world! Tak lupa jugak dkat Saresh , Dar and Ezz <3 <3
Kay guys! gudnite! XOXO

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